Fungi: Photos of Mushrooms and More
- Lichens
- Waxcap
- Shaggy Parasol
- Slime Molds
- Woolly Gomphus
- Yellow Fly Agaric
- Red Cracking Bolete
- Gymnopilus junonius
- Stereum hirsutum
- Oyster Mushroom
- Common Orange Lichen (2)
- Clavulina cristata
- Puffball
- Honey Fungi
- Shaggy Ink Caps
- Sarcodon imbricatus
- Mushrooms in Fallen Leaves
- Funghi in the Moss
- Bay Bolete
- Fly Agarics (3)
- Dog Vomit Slime Mold
- Tree Mushrooms (2)
- Amethyst Deceiver