Greater Weever (Trachinus draco)

Greater Weever

The greater weever, Trachinus draco, is a weever fish of the family Trachinidae. It is less common than the lesser weever.

Spawning begins in June and August. Pelagic eggs are 1 millimeter. Breeding season is from June to August.

It inhabits the Eastern Atlantic, in the area 66° N - 27° N, 19° W - 42° E. It ranges from Norway to Morocco, Madeira and the Canary Islands, including the Mediterranean and the Black Seas. It also lives in all waters of the United Kingdom. It prefers a temperate Climate.

The greater weever, like the lesser weever, lives on muddy, sandy or gravelly bottoms, at depths up to about 150 meters. It usually rests on the bottom, often with eyes closed, exposing the tip of the first dorsal fin. They feed at night.

Source: 03.11.2011

Greater Weever

A Greater Weever is another demonstration, that with fishes, too, the variety is unlimited.

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