Sand Lizard (Lacerta agilis)

Sand Lizard

The Sand Lizard (Lacerta agilis) is a lacertid lizard distributed across most of Europe and eastwards to Mongolia. It does not occur in the Iberian peninsula or European Turkey.

The Sand Lizard has a light underbelly and a dorsal stripe: males tend to be darker and colour and turn partly or wholly bright green during the mating season. Sand Lizards can reach up to 25 cm in length.

It has several sub-species, the westernmost of which is Lacerta agilis agilis. In this and the other main western sub-species the dorsal stripe is thin and interrupted, or not present at all. This applies particularly to the latter sub-species, which also includes a plain red or brown-backed phase without any dorsal markings.

In the UK, the Sand Lizard is restricted to southern heathlands and the coastal sand dunes of north west England. It is regarded as threatened and is strictly protected under UK law – as it is throughout most of Europe.

The female Sand Lizard lays eggs in loose sand in a sunny location, leaving them to be incubated by the warmth of the ground.

Source: - 31.03.2010

Sand Lizard Male

The Sand Lizard appears in different colourings depending on age, race, season and even region.

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