Red Elephant coated with earth of volcanic derivation in the National Park Tsavo East, Kenia

Red Elephant

The Red Elepant only differs in its colour from the others, because its special colour is the result of the red ground in this region.

Elephants (Elephantidae) is a taxonomic family, collectively elephants and mammoths. These are terrestrial large mammals with a trunk and tusks. Only two genera, Loxodonta (African elephants) and Elephas (Asiatic elephants), are living.

The African Bush Elephant is the largest living terrestrial animal, normally reaching 6 to 7.3 metres in length and 3 to 3.5 metres in height at the shoulder, and weighing between 6,000 to 9,000 kg.The animal is characterized by its large head; two large ears that cover its shoulders and radiate excess heat; a large and muscular trunk; two prominent tusks, which are well-developed in both sexes, although more commonly in males; a short neck; a large, barrel-like body; four long and heavy legs; and a relatively short tail. Its back feet have three toes that form a hoof, while the number of toes on the front feet have varied between four and five.

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Red Elephant

A Red Elephant is not an especial species, but it got its abnormal colour from the typical red ground in this region.

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